Light Electric Vehicle Summit: New Dates and Call for Papers


As you may know the LEVS has been postponed !


It is indeed better to admit you made an error rather than continuing on a wrong way ! The initial dates selected for the 3rd LEVS were clearly not the best ones ! Also the first announcement was made too close from the event to enable preparation of an attractive and quality Summit.


Anyway, the new dates are 14th & 15th March 2019, still in Lisbon. As we have now more time, the call for papers has been re-opened till 15th January 2019.


Join us in Lisbon to :

- learn from other's experience and/or present your work and achievements;

- find partners to develop synergies & build new projects;

- globally join forces to get support and to foster the market to take-off in a structured way!




Become a speaker

Become a speaker, in submitting a presentation proposal before 15th January 2019

Call for paper

Participate as delegate

Participate as delegate and register as soon as possible, so to benefit the very early bird rate

Register now


State of the Art


How to Integrate LEVs into Urban Transport ? 


Legal Aspects

Challenges & Opportunities

How to Foster the Market to Take-off ?


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Parallel to the conference, LEVS will also organise an exhibition to enable major stakeholders from the light electric vehicle industry

Learn more

Why Lisbon ?

The Summit will take place in Lisbon where the local authorities develop very interesting plans for smart city mobility for which, obviously, light electric vehicles have an important role to play !


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Conference Center

The congress will be organized in the centre of the city, close to the main train station.  Exact venue to be defined soon. .

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